For the self-employed, it is more important to enjoy your family and lifestyle, than it is to keep regular hours for your store or business. Coordinate in your neighborhood, who is to be open and when you are open and what to sell. No one needs to be open all the time or sell all the same stuff. Be creative.
Same goes for restaurants, open when you want. It is ok just to have 3 things on your menu. Just do them well.
All taxi’s are 70 pesos, no matter where you go and from where. The only exception is if you have been picked up at City Market. Then the price is 80 pesos. Taxi’s only go at speeds of 25 or 30 mph, sometimes it is quicker to walk, unless you are going up hill.
If you have your bus ticket already, it is perfectly acceptable to arrive at the station, 2 minutes before boarding. Be sure and buy your TP at the store in the bus station.
Always have 6 pesos on you at all times for a bathroom.
All dogs are to be kept on the roof of your house, unless you have a car, then it is acceptable to keep them on the ground, near the car.
Dogs do not speak English in Mexico. Learn “que es un buen perro” for more pets and wags.
Your clothes do not need to match. Matching is capitalist propaganda. Be free with color and pattern. Wear good shoes at all times, they too, do not need to match.
Answer “Porque No” to most anything and make a local smile.
Fast WiFi, Cold air conditioning, and “wait for a minute”, are all relative and up for interpretation in the space time continuum.
If you every see anyone selling tamales on the street, immediately stop and buy some. If you don’t there will be a horrible price to pay in your universe.
“Puedo tomar dos tazas de café para ir a mi habitacion”, is very important phrase most Spanish books leave out when staying in hotels, if you are a coffee drinker.
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