Monday, June 4, 2018

2018-05-25 Processional Les Saintes Maries

This home says "Cathy" on it

It was a long Sara day yesterday – in the sun all day. We were up late (for us) and without a doubt dehydrated.  Today we will take it easy, wind down and explore the small town of SMDLM. 

One mosaic of Sara on the street
NO matter how late we stay up it seems we always wake up early. Today is no different. Off to the patisserie which makes the best quiche for breakfast; they also have seating and serve a nice, rich coffee. Today we want to walk along the length of the boardwalk. It spans the town and is not likely to be the mob scene it was yesterday during the Fete.  We intend to pretend that we are here for the sea, sun and surf not, gipsy’s. Town already feels emptier, even though today is the Procession of the Sainte Maries.

SMDLM has a wonderful, sheltered port for all sorts of small water craft. From the port, if you have the right kind of boat, one can head up and sail the Rhone River. This is also where the fishermen bring their daily catch for sale.  We walk along the boardwalk, from one end of town to another, passing the bull ring which sits on the edge of the beach. The towns EMS is located there, as well as the fire department. almost at the very end of town, we turn down a side road that looks like it follows the wetlands that surround SMDLM. We have come across a lane of gypsy trailers camped in the public parking of the town (they are allowed during the Fete this privilege.)

I don’t care so much about the gypsy’s caravans but, I am fascinated with the options for contained cooking and washing modules. There are special small trailers just for the fridge, kitchen and washer. I want one!!!  As we stroll along, many are breaking camp and will be departing this evening and tomorrow. The city administrators are keen on getting them out of town quickly, once the fete is over.
The Guard begins the processional for the Maries
All the homes are painted white here, with colorful shutters all around. We continue to amble and wander thru scenic neighborhoods at the back side of town – the Arles side. Time for another noisette, so onward to La Fontana, where we spent our day yesterday. Café du crem, please.  There are no gypsy’s playing here today and it looks like the café is back to normal. Being a small town, we run into Cathy and Elena who slept in and are of course, still stalking music. We chat and compare notes and then part our separate ways until the afternoon. Before we leave the Procession on Saintes Maries passes us by.
The Banner Guard
I have promised Harvey a nap today. I think I would like one too! We both feel beat up after the last several days of gypsy stalking, staying up late and sleeping on a not so comfortable futon. Sometimes, we feel our age and no amount of caffeine can change our minds (or bodies). One of our new lessons for travel is to listen to our bodies, not everything must be done all the time. To give Harv an optimal nappage, I go out in search of un petite time for myself and for a ceramic Sara to place in a new tile mosaic. I want to replace the one that was sold with the Sebastian house. Not only find her, I find 2 different versions, one which she is portrayed very, very black.
There they are

Later in the evening when I have caught up to Harvey, we stop at a bar near the roundabout for a glass of wine and Tapas. I spot the waiter from the previous day. Small, bent over with curly white hair, we had watched him run all day during the Fete at La Fontana. We buy him a beer. He comes over, introduces himself and sits with us. We never understood his name, even though he spoke pretty good English,  because his teeth were in his pocket. Ha. I will remember him as Marcel. It is truly a small world. Marcel tells us he has lived in SMDLM for 24 years and spends his winters in Chang Mai, Thailand. Hahahahaha. Thai girlfriend. He states he is only 58! Oh, mother of god, he looks 90. Harvey and I are horrified. I expected he was in his seventies, at least. We have a great chat with him until our drinks are gone.

Dinner and Laundry on the porch

Tonight, is a salad and the rest of the roti chicken; eating the rest of what is left in the fridge, as we leave tomorrow. We will meet the girls for a drink and desert, while they eat dinner.

This Paella plate is 3 feet wide

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