Tuesday, March 22, 2022

10,000 steps a day, minimum


We stop at a food stand John has recommended for an outrageously great meal of chilies rellenos. Here we meet Jay. Jay, who without a doubt is in his 80’s, has lived here 30 years, coming from Boca. He has a thick New York accent and says he is on his 3rd wife. His joke is that his wife is the niece of the proprietor (who is in his late 30’s) of the food stall. Man, Jay is grizzled, with the hair on his ears longer than the hair on his head. He is 100% with it and tells us the story of his life before Chapala. He gives us tips on moving here, getting around, and how to be safe. We could have spoken longer, but we didn’t want to take up the few seats at the stall. Jays says come by in the morning, he’s usually there having breakfast. 

Expect a lot of street art on my blog

 Later in the evening, we meet Clark, who’ve we’ve been seeing around town. Think ZZ Top in a wheelchair. Clark wants to make sure we know Monday is a holiday and to make sure we get money out of the ATM, because they will not be refilled until Tuesday. Very few places take credit cards here. Clark has been coming to Chapala for 30 years. Long enough to have a Mexican Passport, which they do not give out any longer. He spends half of his year, in Canada, his country of origin. Clark says all the locals know him and call him Clark Kent, because when he drinks too much tequila, he can fly out of his chair.

Hundreds of white pelicans live here

Pearla greeted us while we wondering around the back neighborhoods. She is watching a friend’s dog and has lived on this street for 25 years. She is the neighborhood watch, so to speak. Nothing like a Granny with nothing to do. She gives her opinion about the best neighborhoods to live and invites us to please come back and have tea with her and she will invite some of her friends. Born in Guadalajara, she married a Canadian, spent many years there and they both came back to retire.

I love pictures of mannequins in yards



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