Sunday, March 6, 2016

Getting Ready

Hershel counting the days
 Has it really been since 2014, that we last had a adventure overseas? Time and the petty concerns of life, home, work and family have conspired to usurp our hearts desire, which is to travel to exotic locales; often uncomfortable, always fascinating.

We've had short jaunts into wild Florida in our trusty boat which is in fact, a petite travel trailer, named "Trixie", in honor of our fine feline daughter who lived to a ripe and cranky 20 years old and was a camper until her death.

Trixie in the truck. Queen of her domain.

We've camped at: Manatee Hammock, Katheryn Abbey Hanna Park, Tomoka State Park, Myyaka River State Park, Lake Griffin State Park, Wekiwa Springs, Long Key County Park. This will have to do as a listing for this small blog.      Myyaka River State Park stands out as the wildest and remotest camping one can get in a trailer, pulled by a truck. As for best transcendent experience, it is to be at Wekiwa Springs, for the camping Bar Mitzvzah  and wrap honored to my husband, the fire monkey, by his more radical distant relatives.

Tomorrow we leave for Southeast Asia. We will not be taking the trailer. Fort Lauderdale to Tokyo, then to Manilla/Dumaguete Philippines. Afterwards, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Suitcases are packed, passports and visas are  in order along with a 50 page PDF of reservations for throughout the first month of our journey.  Wheeeeee! Here we go!
Prayer shawl drying in the sun.

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